

  • 6
  • Etwas, das du der Welt erzählen willst

    Hello, I'm a 17 year old girl from Germany. I really like animals and to learn about other countries. I'm currently learning french. I know a bit japanese because of Anime. My hobbies are reading,listening to music and if I feel like it drawing. I got really lonely here so I thought why not get another friend. You're free to write to me.

  • Lieblingsbuch/-autor/-film

    My favourite books are the Warrior Cats books from Erin Hunter and Manga.

  • Mein Interesse an anderen Kulturen

    I would really like to travel to other countries and learn their history and traditions. And maybe a few words from their language.

  • Für ein Jahr im Ausland leben

    I would really like to live in Canada, England or Japan. I absolutely love these countries. 💖

  • Freuden der Kindheit

    I really liked to play with my best friend, but also with my grandpa and uncle. I really liked to watch Anime too, sometimes I wouldn't want to eat breakfast or supper because I watched it.

  • Ich bin besorgt wegen...

    I'm worried about my mum. She married a few months ago, I know it's normally something to celebrate. But in the last few days their always fighting. I'm afraid that it won't last. She already had these problems with my father and the father of my brother. I only want her to be happy...

  • Meine Eltern und ich

    I really want to see and talk to my dad, but my mum won't let me do so. At least it was like this for a few years. Now I'm allowed to see him. But I'm worried that he doesn't like me...

  • Ein kleiner Rat

    You shouldn't look on someone's beauty, money, popularity, colour, history or religion. You should only look on their heart, personality and soul. Only then you'll find a true friend.

  • Städte und Länder, die ich besucht habe

    As I was 5 years old I visited Turkey. 2 years later I was in Wiek because I always felt sick, the sea air was supposed to help me (what she did I never get sick anymore). One year ago I was in Denmark on Fjellerup beach. A half year ago I visited Straßburg and Colmar with my church group. We stayed in Kehl for the time as we visited this cities.

  • Eine persönliche Herausforderung

    It's really hard for me to talk to people. So it's always a challenge in school if I need to talk to the class.

  • Ich rede immer gerne über...

    I don't really have anything what I like to talk about. But I talk a lot sometimes about politics, animals, Hetalia or other cultures and traditions (if I know something).

  • Ich bin begeistert von...

    My friends here on Penpal. Most of the people in school don't like me this much. So I'm thankfull for the ones I have here. 🙂

  • Persönliche Fähigkeiten

    I learn things really fast and I'm better at foreign languages then my mother tongue.

  • Etwas ungewöhnliches über mich

    My character is based on Prussia, Germany and Poland (Hetalia characters). If I meet new people I'm really shy like Poland. Sometimes I'm hard working and quiet like Germany. And lets just say I can be like Prussia too (crazy, loud, etc.).

  • In zehn Jahren

    I still don't really know what to do... But I want to do something with history or other countries.

  • Eine Karriere ohne Hindernisse

    Like I already said, I would really like to do something with history or other countries.

  • Meine Gefühle über die Zukunft

    I'm sad that soon I'll be leaving school and most of my friends behind. But I'm also exited that I'll start living on my own, meet new people and hopefully travel a lot.

  • Als Kind wünsche ich mir...

    To keep my best friend. We still see each other yes, but we don't hang out anymore and hardly talk to each other.

  • Ich bereue...

    Back then was my birthday and my dad was in the village. My grandma /his mum said that I can come and see him. I telled that my friends who came to my party. But I was to loud and my mum heard me. She took me out and screamed at me that I could never see my dad and go to my grandma again. After a few years she moved away and I don't know where to...

  • Über- oder unterschätzt

    Overrated are things like money, power, popularity and the beauty of the body. Underrated are things like the climate change, the fall of the teenagers (drugs etc.) and the conflicts around the world.

  • Meine Meinung zur Natur des Menschen

    I think humans are rather selfish. We destroy our environment. A lot of people still think that we stand above anything else (animals etc.) and have every right to do these things (war etc.).

  • Das Schulsystem verbessern

    If you want to go on a trip you can't go to other countries and you need a good reason for even doing that in the first place (at least where I come from). I want that they'll change it back, so that we can learn other languages,traditions and have a lot of fun.

  • Die Welt zu einem besseren Platz machen

    We still think money is the most important. I think that we should stand together and don't fight over the simplest things. We still respect the borders and most of the people hate what doesn't comes from their own. I think we should respect and accept each other, even if we can't tolerate the other.

  • Meine größte Errungenschaft

    My english is the best of what I ever did/had in the moment.

  • Ich wünschte, die Menschen würden mehr wissen über...

    I think humanity should know more about certain things, like how to stop the climate change, how to stop the international conflicts and the teenagers (most of them) about other countries, cultures, traditions and how treat each other.

  • Früher war es besser

    The kids were outside playing. Today you can be happy if someone goes out, either to meet with their friends or other things. At least most of them.

  • Jetzt ist es besser

    I know it's the totally opposite of what I wrote in the other one, but I think it's good that we have these technologies. And I'm also happy, that I can meet new people and make new friends.

  • Ich habe vor Kurzem gelernt...

    African musics, dances, songs and traditions.

  • Ich bin ein Experte in...

    I don't know if it counts, but I'm good at taking care of animals.

