

  • 13
  • Etwas, das du der Welt erzählen willst

    Hi everyone,I'm Michiel, I'm from the Netherlands and I'm 32 years old.I would like to have a penpal from all over the world.I can speak only English as forgein language. I hope I hear from you soon.Big love Michiel

  • Für ein Jahr im Ausland leben

    I don't think I can do this. I have to much homesickness

  • Städte und Länder, die ich besucht habe

    I've been most of my holidays to France, visited there many many villages and cities. I also been to Germany, Luxembourg, Denmark, Austria, Belgium, Mauritius, Spain, The UK, Ireland, South-Africa, The US (NYC) and Greece.

  • Lieblingsbuch/-autor/-film

    I really like comedies like, bruce almighty, eurotip etc. But i'm also a big fan of james bond. A good action movie is also good or a romantic movie😉.

  • In zehn Jahren

    Over 10 years I hope I have my own family, with my wife. I hope that I have found my job, where I can be myself and where i'm happy to do what i'm doing. Besides that I hope I still have all my dear family and friends with me.


LittleButterfly86 LittleButterfly86

Hi Michi!
Ik wens u en uw familie een vredige adventstijd en een vrolijk kerstfeest. Een goed begin van het nieuwe jaar en ik hoop dat we volgend jaar contact houden 🙂 Bedankt voor jullie vriendschap!

jjkebbie jjkebbie

Hi, my name is Augustine from Sierra Leone .I would like to penpal with as a friend

lakme lakme


SusanneStories SusanneStories

That´s interesting.
I will watch a movie on DVD either in English or French to train my vocab.

My weekend was good,
I found some new paper-folding DIY stencils that I try now. (I like hand-made things at times, girlish stuff) 🙂
When there are birthday gifts, I sometimes decorate a parcel with hand-made items.
I hope it doesn´t rain heavily because I´m taking my long walks now.
Imagine, Germany has been warned of an orcan today... Didn´t hear the regions on the radio yet.
Do you experience weather phenomena there at times?