

  • 10
  • Etwas, das du der Welt erzählen willst

    Come chat with me some of you nationality !

    See you soon :-D--------------------------------------

  • Etwas ungewöhnliches über mich

    Come to Ask me 😋

  • Eine persönliche Herausforderung

    Currently I'm writing a novel,
    a big challenge for me but difficult to achieve (working doesn't help 😝).

  • Für ein Jahr im Ausland leben

    Why not... I think try in Asian's country or south America... 😁

  • In zehn Jahren

    In 10 years I Hope to have become a good writer, and being able to travel around the world thanks to this. 🤞

  • Lieblingsbuch/-autor/-film

    Maxime CHATTAM, Stephen King, A. C. Doyle.

